वर्ण-व्यवस्था: एक सामाजिक और सांस्कृतिक पहलू का विश्लेषण
हिन्दू वर्ण-व्यवस्था : एक विश्लेषण
कर्म से जाति या वर्ण-व्यवस्था !! ब्यक्ति का जन्म से वर्ण नहीं होता । प्राचीन काल में जब बालक समिधा हाथ में लेकर पहली बार गुरुकुल जाता था तो कर्म से वर्ण का निर्धारण होता था .. यानि के बालक के कर्म गुण स्वभाव को परख कर गुरुकुल में गुरु बालक का वर्ण निर्धारण करते थे ! यदि ज्ञानी बुद्धिमान है तो ब्राह्मण ..यदि निडर बलशाली है तो क्षत्रिय …आदि । यानि कि एक ब्राह्मण के घर शूद्र और एक शूद्र के यहाँ ब्राह्मण का जन्म हो सकता था । लेकिन धीरे-धीरे यह व्यवस्था लोप हो गयी और जन्म से वर्ण-व्यवस्था प्रचलन में आ गयी और धीरे धीरे हिन्दू धर्म का पतन प्रारम्भ हो गया ।
एकवर्ण मिदं पूर्व विश्वमासीद् युधिष्ठिर ।।कर्म क्रिया विभेदन चातुर्वर्ण्यं प्रतिष्ठितम्॥सर्वे वै योनिजा मर्त्याः सर्वे मूत्रपुरोषजाः ।।एकेन्दि्रयेन्द्रियार्थवश्च तस्माच्छील गुणैद्विजः ।।शूद्रोऽपि शील सम्पन्नों गुणवान् ब्राह्णो भवेत् ।।ब्राह्णोऽपि क्रियाहीनःशूद्रात् प्रत्यवरो भवेत्॥ (महाभारत वन पर्व)
वेदाध्ययनमप्येत ब्राह्मण्यं प्रतिपद्यते ।।विप्रवद्वैश्यराजन्यौ राक्षसा रावण दया॥शवृद चांडाल दासाशाच लुब्धकाभीर धीवराः ।।येन्येऽपि वृषलाः केचित्तेपि वेदान धीयते॥शूद्रा देशान्तरं गत्त्वा ब्राह्मण्यं श्रिता ।।व्यापाराकार भाषद्यैविप्रतुल्यैः प्रकल्पितैः॥ (भविष्य पुराण)
अनभ्यासेन वेदानामाचारस्य च वर्जनात् ।।आलस्यात् अन्न दोषाच्च मृत्युर्विंप्रान् जिघांसति॥ (मनु.)
“धर्मचर्ययाजधन्योवर्णः पूर्वपूर्ववर्णमापद्यतेजातिपरिवृत्तौ।अधर्मचर्यया पूर्वो वर्णो जधन्यं जधन्यं वर्णमापद्यते जाति परिवृत्तौ।।
मनु’ने ‘मनुस्मृति’ में बताया है –“शूद्रो बा्रह्मणतामेति ब्राह्मणश्चेति शूद्रताम्।क्षत्रियाज्जात्मेवन्तु विद्याद् वैश्यात्तथैव च।।
वर्ण-व्यवस्था में वर्ण परिवर्तन के कुछ उदाहरण :
I really doubt whether the concept of VARN is correctly understood. People always consider caste or relegion and sometimes equates this to VARN. Other someone equates this to the work done by person. NO! VARN is different. Every person is separate individual. caste (jaati) is some thing which got documented and declared which may not correct. You would always surprised to see someone documented shudra but clever , documented as kshatriya but timid, documented as vaishya but not in business , documented as brahman but not so clever. This can be proved by VARN which is present in your ‘Janmkundali’. Because a documented (caste) shudra could be of a Brahman varn and vise varsa. So caste terminology is not correct. And this ‘varn’ terminology need not to be considered as measure of superiority or inferiority, but for self realisation, and progress of life as individual and of society and to create win-win situation. Because the important 4 are equally important for all – righteousness, prosperity, happiness and freedom (dharma, artha, kaam and moksha). Hence varn need to be considered and not some documented category. At the max caste can be considered as workstream. That’s why earlier there were ‘Gurukuls’ where pupils had to serve ashram and learn without considering any workstream concept. Later this documentation got introduced due to wrong belief that son of king as next king & gurukuls vanished. And now a days there are hell lot of workstreams aka castes with lot of differences like veg-nonveg n general lifestyle. :O
When the varn is identified as in your Janmkundali, all things would get answered and you will get answers of many chaotic questions in the life. So next time when you come across to some contradiction, try to get the info of varn from janmkundali. Of course other factors are there to interfere but this is main. 🙂
Do you know concept of blood group? So there are different groups. A family may have ppl with diff blood groups. None is considered superior or inferior to other and I never seen any incident of burning the book of blood analysis or unnecessary tension. VARN is similar. Let’s see how many generations it will take to understand this simple thing.